Scott's Guitar Blog: May 23, 2017

New Band Saw for the Studio

Today I decided that with the new workshop after twenty six years of faithful service, my old Delta bandsaw needed a new home. So I’ve upgraded to a stallion with twice the horsepower. A more powerful bandsaw that is better at re-sawing is a tool I’ve always wanted and I decided I deserved it.

This new saw will cut through hardwood blanks like butter. When I am re-sawing thick slabs for acoustic guitars sets or electric guitar body caps, it will be faster, easier, and more accurate. The old saw’s motor was getting tired and it will serve a new friend here in Vermont well who mostly uses pine and softer woods in his shop. He’s an octogenarian ex-marine who runs circles around folks half his age. He’s teaching me so much about getting by up here that I’d be lost without him. Such kindness and genuine friendship is rare; so quid pro quo… he’s getting it as a gift.

I can’t wait to get to work with this new tool. I told the owner of Dan’s Max Saver Store in Charlestown, New Hampshire, to hide the pretty tools next time I come. This place sells everything from bandsaws and shaper tables to clothespins and turkey basters. What an amazing part of the country to live in.