Weissenborn Ukulele Repair

This stunning little 1920’s Weissenborn style 3 ukulele fell into my lap on eBay. I’m very happy. There are so few of these in existence that even most hard-core Weissenborn collectors have never seen one. It is said that only a couple dozen ukes were built by him.
This one was missing about 4 inches of the checkered maple and rosewood binding known as “rope binding”.
I decided to make it myself using a glue-up of strips, trimming at an angle across the glue-up to get the check pattern, gluing the strip in place then leveling it to the top. I then applied a light finish over the new strip to match. It is so close now you’d have to really look hard to tell at all. It plays and sounds amazing too!
Please feel free to contact me about any guitar repair issues or if someone you know has a Weissenborn
Kona or other instrument needing rope binding repair!